Monday, June 15, 2009

Thank you Jesus

I'll be honest, some days after everyone is in bed I am saying "Thank you Jesus we made it through today!" It feels like everything is a struggle, there is arguing and bickering at every turn. I am mediating between siblings constantly and I can't help but wonder where I am going wrong. Those days I pray I make it through without any real injuries, physical or emotional, among my little tribe. yesterday was one of those days. Nothing specific, just an overall chaos that seemed to settle in for the day. We had things to do at home but it was perfect weather and they could be outside to run amok but that didn't seem to help. I was supposed to be leaving this morning for the beach but I finally decided we needed to leave last night, maybe they were all just wound up to go. I packed the car, everyone gave Daddy loving and we headed off. Three hours later we arrived at nanna & poppa's beach house and the air cleared a little. It was close to bed time when we got here so everyone unloaded the car, put on p.j.'s and had a snack. I put everyone to bed, called my love to say goodnight and headed into bed myself. After a good nights sleep I am even more thankful we drove last night. I am thinking positively, today is a new day and with it will be new attitudes from the kiddos. At least I am praying, "Please Jesus, let there be new attitudes all around, including mine!" It will be a better day!
photo: Madi bug dripping milk on herself and giggling as we drove to the beach

Friday, June 12, 2009

quiet evening

I am sitting on my screened in porch as the air starts to cool. It was a hot and humid day but now the air is blowing and it has cooled off nicely. Baby girl is in bed. Daddy took the 4 biggers to a special treat of a drive in movie. The first Friday of summer deserved a special outing. There aren't many drive in theaters around here anymore and they had to drive 40 minutes to get to the one closest, I know it will be worth it. It is so quiet here now. The birds are saying their goodnights and the crickets are starting to sing. The leaves are rustling in the breeze and it is so peaceful. I am watching the field awaiting the arrival of the lightning bugs. We haven't seen any yet this year and my littles are anxious for them to return. Sometimes when you look out over the field it looks like a million little fairy lights flickering. It is a magical sight. The little one growing inside me is kicking up a storm tonight. I saw the midwife this morning and everything is moving along as it should. I can't believe I am already 6 months along. Everyone is excited to have another little one in the house but for now I will sit here and enjoy the quiet.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

To be blessed to see...

Outside my office window is a small topiary tree, a round ball on a brown trunk. Last week we noticed a small bird had made her nest in the front part of the tree. I watched as she came and went continually throughout the day. Bringing items back for the nest and soon we began to hear the tiny chirping of a new baby bird. Ever so carefully I peered into the tree to see tiny beading eyes looking out at me as momma stared at me from a nearby perch. The baby was so tiny but could call for his momma quite loudly. We've been checking on baby everyday, watching as feathers filled in all over the tiny body. Then this morning the most amazing thing happened. I was walking Mr. G out to his car and we stopped to look at the baby bird. Momma was sitting on the fence close by watching our every move. Baby was sitting up on the edge of the nest. We both thought he looked like he was ready to take off at any moment, but already?? We moved away from the nest and in a minute there he went, flapping hard trying to stay afloat. Momma followed him down to where he landed and looked to give him a treat and some encouragement. A few seconds later he tried to get off the ground and made more of a hop than a flight. It was amazing to watch his early morning flying lessons. I have never seen anything like it and in that moment I felt I was blessed to witness the event. Momma stood back and watched her little one try to take flight. Was God whispering to me this morning??