Monday, January 11, 2010

Random thoughts this morning....

1. Where is that pee smell coming from?? (edited to add: found...diaper behind the trash can in the boys bathroom, gross!!)

2. How many loads of laundry I have done this month. (40 if you're wondering, that's an average of 4 a day)

3. When will this stomach flu completely leave this house? Soon I pray.

4. Why are shoes always left where they don't belong?

5. I wonder when Madi will start potty training?

6. When I am going to get through the photos I have downloaded onto my laptop but not edited or backed up?? (1943 pictures)

7. What is for dinner??

8. How many days do I HAVE to leave the house this week? It is sooo cold out and I have so much to catch up on here at home.

9. How can one dog shed so much hair??

10. Will I get to starting Maggie's scrapbook today? I hope so!

11. I need to pick a picture to use for Maggie's thank you cards from her baptism celebration.

12. Do I need to pick up more diapers this week? which leads back to #5....

So many random thoughts going through my brain at the moment, trying to tame them into some kind of cohesive plan for the day (well rest of the day, I didn't realize it is almost noon) Where does the day go?

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