Today was one of those days where I was bent and determined to get something accomplished. The house always calls for attention and although I do try to keep things in fairly good order sometimes I need to get serious. Time to pull out the apron, put on the dreaded sneakers and get to work (at least the apron is pretty). We didn't have to leave the house until 1:45 so I had some time to get to the ever growing list. I settled Princess on the couch with a snack and a smoothie, turned on Princess Diaries and got to work. Bug just crawls around after me following me from room to room. I opened all the windows to air the house, it has been so mild & lovely out. I stripped four out of five beds, washed and dried the sheets and remade the beds. I love a freshly made bed and in an effort to make bedtime go more smoothly around here, a freshly made bed can't hurt. I dusted the bedrooms. Vacuumed up the dog hair and sprayed freshener on the carpets. Princess took a break from the movie to help me clean up the doll clothes in her room. We had to bring in the trash bin because she loves to cut and paste. There were little bits of rubbish all over her floor. Sometimes the mess seems to overwhelm the people who live in it. We freshened up her room and she was very pleased. I attended to the bathrooms next. And after that I decided it was enough for the moment. The girls and I sat down for lunch. We had a lovely afternoon. Princess learned how to use my heart paper punch and made hearts for an hour out of my scraps. Bug napped and I had some time to work. I finished up the cleaning and prepped dinner. Then I spent some time working on Christmas presents and knitting Einstein's blanket. Overall it was a great day. I had accomplished much of my list and had some creative time with the Princess. When the boys came home from school we made smoothies and did homework. Nothing spectacular or crazy but nice. Sweet family time.... and I feel so content after a day like today. Content and blessed.
I am enjoying your blog. Aren't big families just the best! Keep sharing about your brood please.
Thanks so much Lisa, I am trying to get the hang of blogging about them:)
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