Exactly 4 weeks ago today little miss Maggie Mae graced us with her birth. How have 4 weeks passed us by so quickly? It seems that time slips so quickly through our fingers. So I try not to blink to often because in a blink the year flies by... Maggie is laying beside me watching me as I type, this is her awake time. All of the other littles are in bed, quiet and drifting off to dreamland. Maya is laying in bed beside me(I didn't specify which bed they were in). She is having issues going to her room by herself. They have all gone through this stage and though it can drive me absolutely crazy at the time I know it won't last long, nothing does. So I have spent the last 4 weeks trying to inhale every moment of newborness, the smell, the sounds, the way she curls up into a ball. I have loved watching every moment that her siblings have spent loving her up in their own special ways. Even Madi has to have her turns holding and kissing Maggie. It is so sweet to watch because I know in a short time they will be arguing over the silliest things like whose doll gets the bottle first. Ask me how I know???
But in the interest of keeping it real here's a little roundup of what else went on around here besides staring at the sweetest little new babe....
..we've had 6 doctors appointments in 4 weeks
.. 5 out of 6 children have been sick, totaling 8 missed school days and almost 2 weeks stuck at home.
..I fought off 2 cases of mastitis, Ouch!
.. Max and Maya have both had 2 soccer games and 1 that was cancelled due to rain.
.. Dan worked the Back to School gymnastics meet with Carli.
..We went camping for the weekend at Bucky's in Mansfield and the kids had a blast. (yes I took my infant camping for the weekend, but it is really RVing, no roughing it and real heat at night.)
.. Dan survived inventory at his store after hours of overtime.
..Max went on a field trip to a farm and had a blast, I wasn't asked to chaperon:(
.. Carli and Dan went on her field trip to a ropes course and had a good day.
. Zak had new strings put on his guitar and has been playing it every day since.
.. Madi has discovered the joy of play doh and now playing with that is part of everyday.
..I started 2 new knitting projects and a quilt, my focus is still a little scattered.
..I have cloroxed the house more times in the last 2 weeks than I'd like to count. Trying hard to prevent the spread of Mr. Ick.
Plus the normal cleaning, 4 loads of laundry a day and cooking to feed my always hungry brood. I am a little exhausted looking at the list.
written 10/22